
DeeAnn Bishop

A Dine’ (Navajo) Photographer recently settling in Clarksville, Tennessee specializing in Commercial and Freelancing Photography. Largely inspired by a big family from Northern Arizona with a passion of family, food, and culture. With over twelve years of military service, she has been fortunate enough to travel extensively throughout the US as well as numerous other countries. These travels allowed her to experience the food, culture, and personalities of the areas she’s had the opportunity to visit. DeeAnn’s passion for exploration is showcased in her imagery using vibrant colors, rich textures, and bringing out the personalities of her clients.


1st Place for “Hearty Soup” in Still Life Category, Regional Juried Photography Exposition, Clarksville, 2019

2nd Place for “Raw Steaks,” in Nossi College of Art’s Kappa Pi Picks, Nashville, 2019